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Perchloroethylene Products: What You Need to Know

Perchloroethylene(CAS127-18-4), also known as tetrachloroethylene or PCE, is a colorless liquid that is widely used as a solvent in dry cleaning and industrial cleaning processes. Perchloroethylene products are also used as degreasers, spot removers, and in some consumer products such as paint strippers and adhesives.

Perchloroethylene products have many benefits, such as being effective at removing stains and grease, being non-flammable, and having a low boiling point. However, PCE products also have some drawbacks, such as being toxic to humans and the environment, being a potential carcinogen, and contributing to ozone depletion.

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), exposure to PCE products can cause health effects such as irritation of the eyes, skin, and respiratory tract, headaches, dizziness, nausea, and impaired memory and coordination. Long-term exposure to perchloroethylene products can increase the risk of developing cancer, liver damage, kidney damage, and neurological disorders.

The EPA has set standards for the safe use and disposal of PCE(CAS127-18-4) products in various settings, such as dry cleaning facilities, industrial plants, and households. The EPA also regulates the emissions of PCE products into the air, water, and soil. The EPA advises consumers to avoid using perchloroethylene products at home or in poorly ventilated areas, and to follow the instructions and warnings on the product labels.

PCE products are still widely used in many industries and applications

But there are also alternatives that are safer and more environmentally friendly. For example, some dry cleaners have switched to using water-based or carbon dioxide-based cleaning methods that do not require perchloroethylene products. Some industrial cleaners have replaced PCE products with aqueous or biodegradable solvents that are less toxic and more biodegradable. Some consumer products have also eliminated or reduced the use of perchloroethylene(CAS127-18-4) products in their formulations.

PCE products are useful for many purposes, but they also pose significant risks to human health and the environment. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the hazards of perchloroethylene products and to use them with caution and care. It is also advisable to look for alternatives that are safer and more sustainable whenever possible.

If you are looking for a reliable supplier of Perchloroethylene(PCE CAS127-18-4), you can visit our website We offer high-quality Perchloroethylene at competitive prices and with fast delivery. We also provide technical support and customer service to ensure your satisfaction. Whether you need PCE for industrial or laboratory purposes, we have the right product for you. Contact us today and get your PCE buy with ease!

Extended reading:
What is perchloroethylene adhesive?
Visit the Perchloroethylene product page
Visit Perchloroethylene Wikipedia