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What is the price of maleic anhydride related to?

Maleic anhydride (MA) is a chemical intermediate used in various industries, such as construction, automotive, and polymer production. The price of Maleic anhydride depends on several factors, such as the supply and demand of the product, the cost of the feedstock, and the regional market conditions.

Supply and demand of MA

The global demand for MA is driven by the growth of its downstream applications, especially unsaturated polyester resins (UPR), which are used in fiberglass reinforced plastics, coatings, and artificial marble. UPR accounts for about 50% of the global MA consumption, followed by 1,4-butanediol (BDO), which is used to produce polyurethane, polytetramethylene ether glycol (PTMEG), and tetrahydrofuran (THF). BDO accounts for about 20% of the global MA consumption.

The global supply of MA is mainly determined by the production capacity and utilization rate of the MA plants. The major producers of MA are located in Asia-Pacific, Europe, and North America. The production technology of MA can be based on either n-butane or benzene as the feedstock. The n-butane route is more economical and environmentally friendly than the benzene route, but it requires a higher purity of n-butane.

Cost of the feedstock

The cost of the feedstock is one of the main factors that affect the price of Maleic anhydride. The feedstock cost depends on the availability and price of n-butane or benzene in the region. The price of n-butane is influenced by the crude oil and natural gas markets, while the price of benzene is influenced by the aromatics and petrochemical markets.

The following table shows the average monthly prices of n-butane and benzene in different regions in 2023 (USD/ton).

North America1,0001,150

Regional market conditions

The regional market conditions also affect the price of MA. The market conditions depend on the supply-demand balance, the trade flows, and the exchange rates in each region. The following table shows the average monthly prices of MA in different regions in 2023 (USD/ton).

North America1,270

As can be seen from the table, the price of MA is highest in Europe and lowest in North America. This is because Europe has a tight supply-demand balance due to limited production capacity and high demand from UPR and BDO sectors. North America has a surplus supply due to ample production capacity and lower demand from UPR sector. Asia-Pacific has a balanced supply-demand situation due to large production capacity and high demand from UPR and BDO sectors.

The price of MA is related to various factors, such as the supply and demand of the product, the cost of the feedstock, and the regional market conditions. The price of MA varies across different regions depending on these factors. The price of Maleic anhydride is expected to increase in the future due to the rising demand from its downstream applications and the rising cost of its feedstock.

Extended Reading:
Maleic Anhydride Structure: A Key Component in Industrial Chemistry
Maleic anhydride wastewater treatment process
Visit the maleic anhydride product link
Visit Wikipedia of Maleic Anhydride
Use of maleic anhydride