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Isopropyl alcohol is electrically non-conductive when pure!

Isopropyl alcohol(IPA CAS67-63-0), also known as rubbing alcohol, is a common household product that has many uses, such as disinfecting wounds, cleaning surfaces, and removing stains. But can it also be used to clean electrical components and contacts without damaging them or causing short circuits? The answer depends on the purity and concentration of the isopropyl alcohol.

Pure isopropyl alcohol is a covalent compound, which means it does not have ionic bonds that can break into ions when dissolved or melted. Ions are charged particles that can carry electric current in a solution or a molten state. Therefore, pure isopropyl alcohol is electrically non-conductive and does not allow electric current to pass through it.

However, pure isopropyl alcohol is rarely found in household products

As it tends to absorb water from the air and become diluted over time. Most rubbing alcohols contain about 70% isopropyl alcohol and 30% water, which lowers the boiling point and makes it more effective as a solvent and disinfectant. Water, unlike isopropyl alcohol, can self-ionize and produce a small amount of hydrogen and hydroxide ions that can conduct electricity. Therefore, a 70% isopropyl alcohol solution can conduct a very small amount of electric current, but not enough to cause any harm to electrical components or contacts.

The conductivity of a 70% isopropyl alcohol(IPA CAS67-63-0) solution is typically around 6 microsiemens per meter (μS/m), which is about two orders of magnitude lower than that of pure water (18 μS/m) and about six orders of magnitude lower than that of sea water (5 S/m). For comparison, the conductivity of copper metal is about 60 million siemens per meter (S/m), which is about 10 billion times higher than that of a 70% isopropyl alcohol solution.

Therefore, it is generally safe to use a 70% isopropyl alcohol solution to clean electrical components and contacts

As long as certain precautions are taken. First, make sure the power is turned off before applying the solution, as any electric current can cause sparks or shocks. Second, use a lint-free cloth or swab to apply the solution gently and avoid scratching or rubbing the components or contacts. Third, let the solution evaporate completely before turning on the power again, as any residual moisture can cause corrosion or short circuits. Fourth, avoid using any additives or impurities in the solution, such as perfumes, dyes, or oils, as they can leave residues or damage the components or contacts.

In conclusion, isopropyl alcohol(IPA CAS67-63-0) is electrically non-conductive when pure, but can conduct a very small amount of electric current when diluted with water. A 70% isopropyl alcohol solution can be used to clean electrical components and contacts safely and effectively, as long as proper care and precautions are taken.

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